WDV2221 Intro Javascript

Unit-4 Assignment - Functions & Parameters


Instructions: Define and assign the variables based upon the instructions in the script tags on this page.

Example 1

  1. Create a runtime script that will call formatRosterName().
  2. Place the script so that it will display the name in the following heading.
  3. Pass the global variables firstName and lastName into the function.

Student Name: display name here

Example 2

  1. Create a button called "Display Name".
  2. Assign an onclick event handler to the button that will call displayName().
  3. Pass the global variables firstName and lastName into the function.
  4. Fix the function so that there is proper spacing

Example 3

  1. Create a function called displaySchool( ).
  2. Call this function using a button and the onclick event handler. Pass in the schoolName variable as the parameter to the displaySchool().

Example 4

  1. Create a function called printName( ).
  2. Call this function during runtime. Pass in the firstName and lastName variables as the parameters.

Example 5

  1. Create a global variable called totalSales. Assign it a value of 3435.6. It should be numeric data type.
  2. Create a function called formatCurrency().
  3. Use a runtime script to display the formatted number instead of the message in the heading shown below.

Your Total Sales: display formatted value here